Dr. Vinayak Sutar

Dr. Vinayak Sutar

Plastic Surgeon
Plastic, Cosmetic & Microvascular Surgeon


Dr Vinayak is a trained and National Board Certified Plastic & Microvascular Surgeon with nearly 11 years of exclusive Plastic, Cosmetic, and Microvascular Surgery experience. He is actively involved in the management of trauma patients requiring microvascular and reconstructive surgeries. He has performed more than 75 microvascular free flaps so far, with the optimal use of microscope and precision instruments in the department. He is also involved in Cosmetic and Aesthetic surgeries and has performed more than 100 aesthetic surgeries like Liposuction, Hair Restoration, Hair Transplant surgeries, Abdominoplasty, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Rhinoplasty, Facelift, Botox, Dimple Creation, Lasers, Genital Surgeries & Maxillofacial Deformities and Fracture Corrections, Gynaecomastia correction, Dermabrasion, etc. He has experience in managing plenty of Crush injuries involving upper and lower limbs reimplantation surgeries, Revascularisation surgeries following amputations. Also Peripheral vascular Bypass surgeries, embolectomy of limb vessels.